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Used Car Parts Finder

Find quality used car parts in the UK. Try our breaker yard database to find your car or van. Contact our trusted sellers to buy used car parts & spares. Try sending an alert.


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Used Auto Part Finder


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Did you know that most spares stored at breaker yards are not listed anywhere online? Instead, Scrappie shows you a database of vehicles, locations and contacts to help narrow down your search. Use the search bar to filter vehicles stored at breaker yards around the UK.

Try searching your vehicle make & model. You can also view results by searching counties, dealer etc… If you need more results, send an alert to multiple breaker yards.

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Vehicles For Breaking

Search Used Car Parts Nationwide

Find quality used car parts in the UK. Try our breaker yard database to find your car or van. Contact our trusted sellers to buy used car parts & spares. Try sending an alert.

Nationwide Collection Locations

Contact auto part sellers, car breakers & dismantlers directly. Use the map below to find contact details for your local scrap yard.


Bannockburn, WorkingtonCA14 4RG 01900 66196



FENGATE BREAKERS Unit 27 Mancetter Square, Werrington, PeterboroughPE46BX 07917 161550



Burtons Car Disposal, Cockbrook Lane, Old WestonPE28 5LU 01832293336


Ace Breakers, Manor Way Business Park, 16, Manor Way, Swanscombe,DA10 0PP 07748590692

Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re looking for quality used car parts, look no further than Scrappie, the premier platform for finding and comparing quotes from top-rated car breakers across the country.

At Scrappie, we understand that repairing your vehicle can be expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. That’s why we’ve created a simple and easy-to-use platform that allows you to quickly and easily find the exact parts you need at a fraction of the cost of buying new.

Why Should You Buy Used Car parts?

Well, there are a number of reasons. Firstly, buying used parts is a great way to save money. In many cases, you can find the exact same part you need for a fraction of the cost of buying new. Additionally, buying used parts is also better for the environment, as it reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.

So why choose Scrappie to find and compare quotes for used car parts? Here are just a few reasons:

Quality Used Spares

At Scrappie, we only work with top-rated car breakers who provide quality used spares. We understand that reliability is key when it comes to car repairs, which is why we only work with reputable and trustworthy suppliers.

Simple and Easy to Use

Our platform is designed to be simple and easy to use. All you have to do is complete our online form with your specific requirements, and we’ll send an alert to trusted suppliers across the country. It’s that easy!

Save Money

At Scrappie, we’re all about saving you money. By using our platform to find and compare quotes for used car parts, you can save hundreds of pounds on the cost of your repairs.

Environmentally Friendly

Buying used car parts is not only better for your wallet, it’s also better for the environment. By reusing parts that would otherwise end up in landfills, you’re helping to reduce waste and protect the planet.

So what are you waiting for? Start finding and comparing quotes for quality used car parts from top-rated car breakers across the country. With our simple and easy-to-use platform, you’ll have your vehicle repaired in no time, without breaking the bank!

Why Use Scrappie

While both Scrappie and eBay can be good sources for finding used car parts, there are some distinct advantages to using Scrappie over eBay.

One of the biggest advantages of using Scrappie is that we work exclusively with reputable car breakers across the country, which means that you can be sure you’re getting high-quality used parts that have been inspected and tested before being sold. On the other hand, while eBay does have a large selection of used car parts available for purchase, it can be more difficult to verify the quality and authenticity of the parts being sold.

Another advantage of using Scrappie is that our platform is designed specifically for the purpose of finding used car parts, which means that our search algorithms are optimized to help you find the exact part you need quickly and easily. In contrast, eBay can be a bit more cumbersome to navigate when it comes to searching for specific car parts.

Additionally, one of the benefits of using Scrappie is that we work with a wide range of car breakers who may not necessarily list all of their available parts on eBay or other platforms. This means that by using Scrappie, you may be able to find parts that you wouldn’t be able to find through other channels.

Overall, while both Scrappie and eBay can be good sources for finding used car parts, Scrappie offers a number of distinct advantages, including working exclusively with reputable car breakers, a user-friendly platform optimized for finding parts, and access to parts that may not be listed on other platforms.